ARDB mobile unit in Siem Reap province, Preah Vihear Province, Oddar Meanchey and ARDB HQ staffs attended the meeting on “Business Proposal preparation”
8 November 2023
With the highly permission of H.E Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of the Royal Government of Cambodia in charge as the Chief Executive Officer of Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (ARDB), ARDB mobile unit in Siem Reap province, Preah Vihear Province, Oddar Meanchey and ARDB HQ staffs attended the meeting on “Business Proposal preparation” on November 9th, 2023 organized by ACSEP-PIU1 which took place at Angkor Paradise Hotel in Siem Reap Province. The meeting was attended by members of the ACSEP-PIU1 project and the ACSEP-PIU1 project advisory team, representatives from the Siem Reap Provincial Department of Agriculture and the Oddar Meanchey project, potential loan group from Siem Reap, Preah Vihear and Oddar Meanchey.