ARDB staffs from Headquarter corporates with ARDB Kampong Cham mobile unit to disseminate ARDB product and services in “Regional Fish and Aquaculture Business Dialogue”
26 March 2024
After receiving a honor permission from H.E Dr. KAO Thach, Delegate of the Royal Government of Cambodia in charge as the Chief Executive Officer of Agriculture and Rural Development Bank (ARDB), ARDB staffs from Headquarter corporates with ARDB Kampong Cham mobile unit to disseminate ARDB product and services in “Regional Fish and Aquaculture Business Dialogue” which held at Phnom Bros Hotel, Kampong Cham province on March 26th 2024.
This dialogue core organized by Harvest project, aquaculture association, Commercialization of Aquaculture for Sustainable Trade (CAST), with participants from ministries, institution, related stakeholders, NGOs, company, association, and communities approximately 150people. This dialogue aims to: show the challenges, provided solutions and market opportunity in aquaculture and fishery sector to all related stakeholder as fish raiser, collection centre, Processor to strengthen Cambodian fish production quality for market excellence and fish commercial planning for supply to the local market and export to other countries.