Training course on “ CGCC Guarantee Project and Credit Guarantee Management System” organized by Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia PLC, (CGCC) for ARDB’s officers
20 August 2024
On 20th, August 2024, at ARDB headquarters, there is a Training course on “ CGCC Guarantee Project and Credit Guarantee Management System” organized by Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia PLC, (CGCC) for ARDB’s officers who involved with credit guarantee project and related projects, approximately 61 participants (including staff at the provinces participating the course by online). This training course aims to: effectively corporations between ARDB and CGCC which raise up in credit guarantee agreements established on 19th, July 2024. This course focused on crucial points such as: Exploring about CGCC and Credit guarantee, CGCC credit guarantee project and progress of CGCC’s credit guarantee.